The First Swinger Party: What to Consider As a Beginner?

The possibilities to spice up one's own sex life are nowadays more diverse than ever. Sex toys and erotic outfits are now available almost everywhere and many bedrooms would be unthinkable without them. It is, therefore, all the more surprising that swingers' clubs, of all things, continue to struggle with prejudice in times of such sexual open-mindedness. But a visit to a swingers' party can be so harmless and exciting at the same time. We tell you everything you need to know as a newcomer to the scene!

How Do You Find the Right Club?

To get a first impression, you should definitely browse the website of any club you have in mind. This will give you information about its rules, the premises, and the ambiance. Also, make use of reviews and testimonials. Certain platforms even collect the key data of many clubs and compare them, so that you have important facts at a glance. Some also offer the opportunity to meet like-minded people directly, exchange information, and ask questions. And who knows: Maybe you will meet potential partners here.

You can recognize a serious swingers club by some elements. For example, access is usually limited to couples. In this way, the operators avoid that there is a surplus of men. This is not always a one hundred percent reliable criterion, but more about that later.

After you have paid the entrance fee for the club, there are no further costs, except for drinks. Food is included, so many clubs have an all-you-can-eat buffet. If the operators demand further payments from you, it is most likely a scam.

Heavily intoxicated individuals and other troublemakers are typically denied entry; after all, you don't want to share the premises with such people. With this in mind, reputable establishments often employ special security personnel to ensure the evening runs smoothly.

Also, the club should be clean and in good condition, because a spotless impression is the business card of the establishment. This also applies to the toilets and other hygienic facilities (showers, sauna), as well as adjoining rooms.

Clubs that employ service personnel for sale should be avoided because swingers' establishments are by no means brothels.

Finally, discretion plays an important role. It is simply unpleasant to always be followed by a camera, even more so when it comes to intimate pleasures.

See also  What Is a Swingers Club? A Comprehensive Guide to Everything You Need to Know

What Does a Visit to a Swinger Party Cost?

Basically, couples pay between 50 and 150 euros. If you are a solo man, you have to be prepared for much higher prices. Men frequently have to pay up to four times as much as a couple, while single women sometimes even get in for free. To ensure maximum discretion, most swingers clubs only accept cash payments.

What to Wear to a Swinger Party?

Some swinger clubs have their own dress code. It is therefore essential to find out about the dress code in advance. Otherwise: stylish and well-fitting is better than forced sexy.

Also, you don't have to go crazy with the choice of outfit. A nice pair of underwear is half the battle. If you like it more daring, you can leave out the top, friends of a more discreet appearance are well advised with a decent shirt. Semi-transparent clothing can also be appropriate, as well as more unusual. However, be sure to observe the club's guidelines and its general ambiance. You can get a first impression of this on the website.

How Do You Break the Ice?

Are you afraid of arriving at a swingers club and not making a connection? Don't worry, after all, you will meet like-minded people there. All the people present have the same intention and are usually open and nice. However, if you have any jitters, it's worth arranging a meeting in advance. The following always applies to all participants: Everything can, nothing must. Rely on your gut feeling and don't be afraid to say no if something doesn't feel right. As a basic rule, it has become established to go to the club without expectations. This way no one is disappointed, pressure is avoided, and the atmosphere is relaxed. In addition, you can always orient yourself to more experienced guests. They can help you get over your insecurity and introduce you to the wicked world.

Who Goes to the Swingers Club?

Foremost, the cliché that only people of older age and low attractiveness visit swingers clubs is obviously wrong. While this clientele does exist, many establishments can count on numerous young and visually attractive guests. On average, swingers are between 25 and 60 years old and come from all walks of life. However, it is not uncommon for there to be a surplus of men, which is why some swingers clubs set certain rules to keep the goings-on in an orderly fashion. You should weigh this factor, especially considering the other aspects of the club.

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